Zero dust emissions with new filtration system

Reduced dust emissions desired with capacity expansion

At the end of 2023, Meconaf installed a new extraction system at Kesselaar in ‘s Gravenpolder. Kesselaar processes gladiolus flowers and onion sets.

Both of these products require effective extraction during processing. Leaf extraction is essential, but the dust generated by both products is significant enough that effective extraction is a must. During our initial consultation, the customer indicated that more extraction points needed to be connected. The existing capacity was insufficient. In a follow-up meeting, it was revealed that the dust emissions from the two existing cyclone systems were so severe that the surrounding environment, including the roofs of various barns and nearby trees, were covered in dust.

Capacity expansion

Adding another cyclone to increase the required capacity would only make the dust problem worse. Therefore, it was decided to implement a filtration system that separates both leaves and dust from the airflow. The air that comes out of the system is so clean that it could potentially be recirculated into the processing area, leading to significant cost savings. The system processes approximately 24,000 m³ per hour. If warm air at this volume is expelled, it would be nearly impossible to heat the processing hall during cold weather. However, at Kesselaar, there is no need to recirculate the air because various doors remain open during production.

Filtration System for Reduced Dust Emissions

The primary reason for choosing the filtration system is to reduce dust emissions. The filters clean the air, and at the bottom of the filter housing is an auger that transports all debris (dust and leaves) to the airlock. The debris is then transported via the airlock to the central waste collection area by a conveyor belt. Should the customer decide to recirculate the air into the processing hall at a later stage, this would still be possible.

Interested in Reducing Dust Emissions with Extraction?

Meconaf has extensive experience in installing filtration systems both domestically and internationally. For a customized solution, feel free to contact us.

Zero dust emissions with new filtration system

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